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Reclaim your Money Power -

A 6 Month Shamanic Intensive’ with Shakti Tracy

Starting Wednesday, 18 September, 10am - 12pm (UK time)

Are you ready to Reclaim your Money Power and step into a life of abundance and purpose?

This six-month online journey is designed to help heart-centred visionaries and spiritual practitioners transform their relationship with money on a profound level. 


This program is especially beneficial for those who may struggle with asking for money, feeling worthy of it, or dealing with internalized shame and guilt around financial matters.


Reclaiming your Money Power can change your life in many ways—whether it’s living your dream life with financial security, increasing your business marketing power, or donating to causes you believe in. It also allows you to share free offerings in a financially sustainable way.


By the end of these six months, you'll have transformed your entire relationship with money, and have taken steps towards creating a life of financial freedom and impact.

Money is a POWER and having it in your hands can do far more good than leaving it elsewhere. The work we do in this program is essential to unlocking that power for you.

The journey combines taught seminars with powerful shamanic practices, transformative breathwork, and sacred mantra techniques. These modalities work on a deep level to heal the deep-seated wounds and patterns we hold around money, often rooted in ancestral, cultural, and social conditioning.  We will also use them to explore how our inner masculine and feminine aspects may be wounded and block the fullness of our money manifestation potential.


By working through these layers, you’ll be able to reset your relationship with money at the deepest level.​


Healing your money wounds will not only change how you relate to financial energy but also impact your sense of self and how you engage with life itself.


This is some of the deepest healing work you can do, as our relationship with money often reflects how we relate to ourselves and the world.​

Are you ready to Reclaim your Money Power and transform your life?

Join us on this journey

Are you ready to give yourself this and be part of a life-changing journey?

Pay for complete program: £555

Pay in Installments 5 x £111



Fortnightly Meetups (2 hours)

We will meet fortnighly for two hours via Zoom for 6 months for teachings and  practices

Starting - Wednesday 18th September

10am - 12pm UK time (UK time)

What You Will Experience

Over six months, we will work with a range of powerful practices to change our vibration and reprogram our reality.

  • Shamanic Breathwork to support the release of stories and experiences held in body and DNA, and to receive empowerment and guidance.

  • Shamanic Journeys to connect to money dreams, heal money relationships, reclaim lost powers and more. 

  • Mantras to activate and invoke energies of financial abundance and support for removing old patterns.

  • Purification Practices will support you to let go of old patterns, stories and unhelpful experiences, whilst creating space for new energies in your life.

  • Nervous System Regulation will give a strong and stable foundation to hold increasing wealth and feel safe in receiving, spending, saving and asking for money.

  • Divine Masculine and Feminine Polarities will help you to increase your money magnetism, make heart-aligned actions and unify these energies within so you can access the universal cosmic creative forces in all areas of your life.

  • Journalling Practices for deeper self-enquiry and understanding money stories, traumas and dreams.

WhatsApp support group

Access to Shakti Tracy and our super-powered, manifesting community through a dedicated WhatsApp group that can be used for weekly shares and support between live sessions.

Online Learning Platform

All live workshops will be recorded (shares are not recorded) and stored in an online platform to make them easy to access if you would like to repeat or catch up. 

12-Session Program to Reclaim your Money Power


Seminar 1: Permission to Dream

This session helps you dream beyond limitations and envision your financial goals.  This session aims to allow you to dream again. It will help you understand the power of clear visioning and how it can help you break through limiting beliefs, gain clarity on your financial dreams, and align your intentions with your vision. We will do journalling to connect to your financial dream, shamanic journeying to meet your future wealthy self, and breathwork to anchor in your vision and receive guidance


Seminar 2: Be A Nervous System Ninja

Having a regulated nervous system and knowledge and understanding of your nervous system's responses provide a solid foundation for stable and lasting transformation. The seminar explains how fear and anxiety caused by possible new life experiences can hinder manifesting more money.  You will learn how we all have a window of tolerance around the levels of money we feel safe to hold and receive before we deregulate and self-sabotaging behaviours or shut-downs might occur. We will learn practices that can increase tolerance levels and help you stay regulated while increasing your money flow.


Seminar 3: Purification

Purification is an essential part of the journey of reclaiming your money power, as it allows the process of energetic clearing to happen which creates space for new to flow in.  This seminar focuses on clearing internal and external blocks to make space for financial abundance. You’ll learn techniques to clear limiting beliefs, old stories held in the body, and physical clutter. 


Seminar 4: Healing Ancestral & Personal Money Wounds

Often, as spiritual or wellness practitioners, we have ancestral wounds around holding and having money. Women were burned as witches for owning property, or we may have taken vows of poverty in the past on our spiritual paths. In this session, we will dive into healing past wounds and traumas related to money and releasing ancestral, cultural, and societal beliefs around money.  Retrieving lost power and reclaiming abundance lineages.


Seminar 6: Money Love

Everything in life is relational and this includes our relationship with money.  Seminar 5 delves into the transformative power of healing your money relationship. In the breathwork, we set intentions to meet money as a lover and find out how you might enjoy money as a pleasure. We go on to meet money as a father to learn about money responsibility, as a mother to see how we can use it for loving others and as self to see how it affects our identity. 


Seminar 5 : Unification of the Masculine and Feminine

This seminar explores the concept of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Union. It discusses how these two creative cosmic forces together create all reality and how we hold all their creative power within us too.  The seminar offers practical guidance and transformative practices to reconnect the ‘Diamond', a unified love source. Through this unification, we unlock the profound manifestation abilities and self-empowerment that lie dormant within us. The seminar also discusses sexual power and energy and its connection to manifestation. 


Seminar 7: I AM

Low self-worth can be one of the biggest blocks around money. A wounded sense of self can create confusion and hinder progress on the path to manifestation since we can only receive what we feel matches our internalised sense of worth. This session supports you to connect with who you are and the basic foundations of identifying and meeting your own needs. We will also work with Divine beings to take on powers and strengths greater than ourselves to help restore your wounded ‘I AM’ self and restore you to your magnificence.


Seminar 8: Magnetic Manifestation

Seminar 8 explores the connection between pleasure and desire in attracting what we want. This session focuses on the power of Divine Feminine energy, which is receptive and its power calls in what it needs through cultivating desirability. In this session, we connect to what pleasure is to us and practise a breathwork pleasure ritual to increase our desirability and attractiveness to money and the pleasure it brings. We will do a shamanic journey to connect to a pleasure goddess for guidance and a breathwork pleasure ritual to increase money magnetism.


Seminar 9: Fun-Aligned Action

Take motivated, enjoyable actions towards financial goals by harnessing the Divine Masculine energy of taking action. In this seminar, we learn how Breathwork and shamanic journeying can be used to ask questions or get guidance on the next steps anytime. This seminar also explains the importance of making the journey fun in order to keep it high vibrational. This is often not given enough importance due to society's emphasis on ‘working’ towards goals. 


Seminar 10: Mind Mastery

Seminar 10 explores mind mastery and the importance of clearing limiting beliefs. We work with conscious connected breathwork and affirmations together to embed new beliefs and release old ones. In the altered states induced by shamanic breathwork, individuals can create a new sense of reality by consciously choosing positive affirmations and integrating them into the subconscious. In a breathwork session, there is space for opposing beliefs or emotional energy to come to the surface to be acknowledged, expressed and released.


Seminar 11: Anchoring Abundance and Quantum Leaping 

Quantum wealth leaping is based on the idea that you can make significant jumps in your financial state by aligning your energy with higher frequencies of abundance. This involves moving beyond linear, incremental growth and tapping into a more profound, transformational shift.  In this seminar, we will explore next-level dreams and potent visioning practices. You will also experience an energetic ritual to anchor new abundance codes into your body and new life. 


Seminar 12: Financial Blueprint Creation & Integration

In our final seminar, we will be getting practical and intimate with our money flows. In this session, you will create a personalised financial blueprint for long-term prosperity. This session will guide you through developing a practical financial plan and get guidance on the next steps you need to take following this training.  There will be space in this seminar to integrate and reflect on your money journey so far, and through breathwork, shamanic journeying, and visualisation you will bring in your new vision for going forward

Important Information

Note: These practices are powerful and can bring emotions to the surface, causing transformation. We aim to create a safe and loving container for this journey, but it’s vital to check if it’s right for you at this time and commit to looking after yourself during the workshop and the days following when release and rebalance may continue. There is never any need to push further than feels right for you.


​You are welcome to attend this program and not join in with the conscious connected breathwork or any of the other practices if they are not right for you  - everything is simply an invitation but your boundaries are always your own. Simply being in the energetic field is enough for some people and can be transformative. 

Contraindications: Conscious Connected Breathwork is not recommended for those with heart or blood pressure problems, a history of psychosis or severe mental illness, epilepsy, glaucoma, or detached retina. An alternative heart-breathing technique will also be shared.


About -  Shakti Tracy


Shakti Tracy is an Energy Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Breathwork Facilitator, and Teacher with 25 years of experience in this field. She is committed to supporting people to access their power so that they can stand up and share their heart-centred truth in the world.

She is the founder of Diamond Heart Network and is a Senior Breathwork Teacher with Breathing Space—School of Breathwork. She leads groups through their comprehensive 10-month training program (the next training starts in September).

Shakti trained in Energy Healing in 1996, initially for her own healing needs, and then went on to support others. In 2015, she retrained and became a Shamanic Practitioner and Breathwork Facilitator. Under the guidance of Stephen Mulhearn at Lendrick Lodge in Scotland, she immersed herself in core shamanism and Celtic shamanic traditions. She also studied Sandra Ingerman’s ‘Light of Spiritual Healing’ where she learned to use Sound and Vocal Toning for transmutation and transfiguration.

Shakti was initially introduced to Conscious Connected Breathwork by Peggy Dylan on a week-long residential at Lendrick Lodge before studying a longer 10-month Breathwork Facilitator program with Breathing Space. The longer training provided more knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the breath, trauma, and nervous system regulation. It also introduced a wider variety of breathing practices. Shakti went on to train as a Teacher with Breathing Space and now leads her own groups through this training.

Shakti Tracy is wholly committed to a planetary LOVE REVOLUTION. She believes that unifying the Masculine and Feminine polarities is a way to break free of societal expectations, access your power, and become your true self. You don’t just become part of a Love Revolution; you realize you are THE LOVE REVOLUTION. You understand that LOVE is the TRUTH of who you are and that YOU are UNSTOPPABLE.​​

Join us on this journey

Are you ready to give yourself this and be part of a life-changing journey?

Pay for complete program: £555

Pay in Installments 5 x £111

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